Who perinatal mental health services?

It answers questions about substance abuse, its symptoms, different. Among women with perinatal mental health problems, 20% will experience suicidal thoughts or self-harm. In addition, perinatal mental health problems may continue after the immediate postpartum period, affecting not only the woman, but also her child. Ignoring mental health not only puts women's overall health and well-being at risk, it also affects the physical and emotional development of babies.

If you have health insurance, we recommend that you contact your insurer for a list of participating providers and health care facilities. This new WHO guide for the integration of perinatal mental health into maternal and child health services provides the best available information aimed at helping maternal and child health providers identify the symptoms of mental health problems and respond in a way that is adapted to their local and cultural context. . For free, confidential support from trained mental health professionals, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (825) or NYC Well at 888-NYC-WELL (888-692-935).

Providing high-quality perinatal mental health services is particularly difficult in low-resource settings with limited healthcare staff. The authors also recognize and honor women and families affected by these diseases, in particular first-time mothers who ended their lives while suffering from perinatal mental illness. The vast majority of perinatal mental health research examines common non-psychotic perinatal mental disorders (CPMD), and most studies focus specifically on anxiety and depression. Screening and treatment are widely recommended, but are implemented unevenly, and policies and funding do not adequately support the mental health of people of childbearing age.

As a result, women may experience a period of poor mental health or witness a worsening of previous mental health conditions. Inadequate screening and referral systems often result in women with perinatal mental health problems not receiving diagnosis or treatment. Nearly 1 in 5 women will experience a mental health condition during pregnancy or the year after birth. Perinatal mental health refers to women's mental health during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

As a result, treatable perinatal mental health conditions can have long-term, multigenerational negative consequences. The authors thank the Health Affairs team for recognizing the importance of raising awareness and treating perinatal mental health conditions, which are a major public health problem.

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